Scriptler , Ücretsiz Asp ,php Site Scriptleri Freeware scripts

Cumulus Video Script -Php

Açık kaynak kodlu güzel bir video izleme ,yükleme ve paylaşma scripti.

Hostinginiz bunları desteklemeli

Server Requirements

CumulusClips runs on Linux / Unix operating systems only. The following is required:
MySQL 5.0+
PHP 5.2+
Apache web server 2.x (with mod_rewrite enabled)
*Note: On virtual private servers (VPS) servers at least 1GB of RAM is required for video encoding.

PHP Settings

upload_max_filesize = 110M
post_max_size = 110M
max_execution_time = 1500
open_basedir = no value
safe_mode = Off
register _globals = Off

PHP Modules

  • GD
  • curl
  • simplexml
  • zip

Supported Browsers

CumulusClips has been tested to work on the following web browsers:
  • Internet Explorer 7+
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.6+
  • Safari 5+
  • Chrome 10+
  • Opera

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